Friday, September 4, 2009

A brief come back~!!!

TeeHee.. *Totally doing the muka sekupang*..

Im baaack!!! After another i-left-my-blog-unmannered saga. I don’t know why i do tend to do this! Maybe cause i am really just so lazy or am i just dead tired after work and the last thing i want to do is stick my face to the computer.. which i am ironically doing everyday! God damn Facebook.

Had a totally crazy time-of-my-life. Tahaha!!!

So what’s been going on with me? Well honestly the one major thing that hogged my time and my intension to blog is my thesis. You know, i’ve heard it all. How people are insanely stressed out doing their thesis. (let’s not include those freaks that can do thesis like me drawing my eyeliner) yeah yeah i’ve heard it all and i thought, hey, how hard can it be LAH?? Something like assignment only mah, scared what? So i told myself, “aiya, cheap cheap stuff, tomorrow only do la.” So basically, most of the time when i said i was doing thesis, i was merely bookmarking the pages online in which i deem is necessary for my thesis. This comes as a total contradiction because i couldn’t even finalize my thesis title! Actually, i wanted to do “Facebook addiction and youth nowdays”. The title is so lame and baseless. Hahaha but i like it. i can always work with something like that. I am a pro at just writing and crapping. But my lecturer said to me, “Dei!! You’re a business student! Think what? Social study ah!!! Change!!! Change to sexual harrastment!!!. I was like... -____-

Siao meh!! Don’t think i am stupid. Sexual harrastment might come off general and easy but it is infact a very very broad scope of study. Do you see me as those that can fully submerge myself in the sea of knowledge and going in and out of every hole finding for information to support such a borad title?! I was like.. pilah!!! So i didn’t bothered la. Little did i know.......

Friggin title needs the board’s approval which requires 3 weeks and if the board doesn’t approve, i need to change and another 3 weeks gone. So, goyang kaki here and there, until i totally screw myself up. Before i know it, i have 1.5 MONTHS TO THESIS SUBMISSION. And i didn’t even freak out. I was like.. yeah okay. So what’s my title again?

Hahagha i know i know. Before you judge me, i was a really good student okay? (did i just hear you said.. yeah right. Muahaha?)

Its just, after i started working, i sorta lose all my focus you know. In terms of time management, i’m totally a mess. I started failing subjects which i never did before and i was THIS close of screwing my own studies up. I was THIS close. In fact, there is still a small chance i am screwed.

Anyway, few weeks to submission.....
I started panicking. Thesis got format one ah?!! Don’t follow will die??!! SPSS??!!! Hamilai!!!! Wow... i was a blank as a cow.
I don’t want to go through the process of me completing my thesis as it wasn’t the proudest stage of my life. I’ve lost count on the times i almost gave up doing my thesis if it weren’t for my lovely mom and dad. I’ve lost count of the times when i would just stop doing my thesis, go up to my room and cry my heart out, then come back down to continue my thesis. Hahahah! Like a friggin 5 years old. I crack at the sight of stress. I hate it. And I go insane by either eating too much or not eating at all. Days went by and my hour of sleep got less and less. At the peak i slept for like.. 3 hours a day? Then i continued marathon-ing my thesis. It was pure madness and i have only myself to blame for having poor time management.

Oh yeah, my dad helped me on my thesis. How cool is that?!! He’s done couple of thesis so he helped me like.. hell alot!!! Isn’t my dad the best or what?

I still remember the moment i completed my thesis. It was SHEER JOY!!! I just wanted to hug everyone i saw and just kiss the hell out of em!!! Omg, my life is bright again!! Hahahahahah!

I’ve learned the lesson the hard way. My principle asked me whether i would like to further my studies to masters program, i was like.. Y#$%^&*(*$%^&*(!!!!!! Don’t get me wrong. I would love to. But now, let me relax and enjoy this sheer moment of joy!!!

I was this close to screwing myself up. I didn’t have any priority anymore and i can see how much that saddens my parents. IM SO SORRY!!! Totally wouldn’t do it again!!!

Its like 1am now and i should be sleeping as i need to wake up at 6 tomorrow morning. Sial, here comes my time management shit again!!! I just feel bad i ignored my blog for so long and its high time i inject some life into it.

So here’s my brief update and i shall be putting up some pics soon.

Good night and ciao for now!!!


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