Monday, March 23, 2009

Por’s bird day @ The Ship

3rd March 2009

HaPpY BiRtHdAy PoR! / Hiao KanG..

*He is the Adidas dude.. hiao to the max! the one on his left is his reliable kung fu panda.
bloordy hell i dont have his individual photos. maybe cus i was too busy talking my own pics. hahaha! the one on the right is his kung fu panda. So it was a friggin hot day. Janice and i arrived first. The whole restaurant was empty as a ghost ship. Accordingly, Chung had made reservation for 13. So when the waitress attended to us, and before we can open our mouth, she was like.. “oh Ivory Ivory!”. Haha, do we have the word “Ivory” stamped across our forehead? And why, in the first place did Chung reserved under “Ivory” la?! Janice and i, 2 words, What the...?

So, those who were there: Por, Chung, Celyn, Janice, Jason, Amanda, Eeling, Yeling, Nicole, Hooi Fung, Mua.. yeeeah i guess that is about it. The rest? Total PPK. Especially Mr Darren Yuen.

ok enough said. i'm not a typing kinda person so i'll just leave the talking to the pictures!

* love birds Amanda and Jason. Isnt she cute here! totally cought her off guard! and Jason on the other hand is just .. VAIN. He is not taking picture of her, he is adjusting the lighting of his cam so he will look flawless when he camwhore later.

* yes no yes no friends... Hooi Fung and Chung. hahaha!

* Mua and soon to be milf, Janice =)

* love birds again.

* Oh Nicole loves the camera!

* yeah, his order comes with a ridiculous hanky and he loves it!

* Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

* Ho liao!

* Janice is eating for 2!

* Oh my dearest Yeling and i.

* Love birds No. 2 : Princess Celyn and Hiao Kang!

* The boys : Jason, Por and Chungy

* Por and Nicole.

* The infamous ceremony !

* While Eeling and i camwhored in the loo.. -_- .. tonnes of camwhored pic of me n Eeling. Too embarrased to post up any of it. haha oh well.. one of it became my profile pic!

* Sure is a big enough mirror for her!

* Vain Pots!

* Boys boys boys!

* Amanda and Mua!

* Gossiping!!!!

* and smile!!

* Jason and Eeling.. she is so pale!!

* yes no yes no friends.. hahaha

* Por's present!

* His name engraved on it!

* Us girls!

* Me with birthday Boy!
* i love this pic! Fung and i =)

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