Tuesday, May 5, 2009

god damn Monday blues..

I had, probably the worst Monday blues ever.

Basically in my previous post i stated that i was working throughout the entire weekend at gurney plaza for my company’s sales launch right? Well it went well and it was fun. One thing that i like about working for sales launch in Gurney is being able to see and approach so many different people. Most of them are very nice people, but once in a while you tend to bump into some arrogant young prick. Most of my colleagues worked through out the entire week for 7 days nonstop. I’m luckier =) 1 day at office, 2 days off for exams, 1 more day on m.c and 3 days at gurney.

However, i sunked into a really moody state on Sunday night as Monday got closer and i had to return to the monotonous office life. I’ve been thinking, this is basically my first job right? I have no qualm working what i am working on right now cause honestly, the experience and knowledge are priceless. HOWEVER!!!! It is really the people that you work with, matters the most. I come to realise that my style is, when i work, i work and no matter how sucky your mood is, you work and you DON’T show your rotten shit face to others and affect others, geddit!

I simply DO NOT respect people like this. How can some people simply not realise that you are working with OTHERS and not ALONE, therefore, keep your pathetic mood swings and private problem to yourself! Other people need to work too okay?! Geez!!

So basically my very very bad Monday blues was fired up by some people’s stupid mood swings. It sickens me to even think about it. ergh.. whatever Monday’s over!!

Mom’s birthday was on Monday though! Another post coming up!

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